In the DC Universe, a metahuman is a human with superpowers. The term is roughly synonymous with the terms mutant, inhuman and mutate in the Marvel Universe and posthuman in the Wildstorm and Ultimate Marvel Universes. In DC Comics, the term is used loosely in most instances to refer to any human or human-like being with extraordinary powers, abilities or other attributes, either cosmic, mutant, scientific, mystical, skill or technological in nature. A significant portion of these are normal human beings born with a genetic variant called the “metagene“, which causes them to gain powers and abilities during freak accidents or times of intense psychological distress.
The reason they invented the “Coronavirus” is so that they can trick everybody into getting injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine was designed to modify and destroy the metagene in individuals who possess it. Unfortunately for them, I’m not stupid so did not fall for their fake virus and vaccine scam.
It is possible for individuals skilled in science and biology to manipulate, dampen or modify the activities of the metagene. During the Final Crisis, while the Dominators devised a Gene Bomb able to accelerate the metagene activity to the point of cellular and physical instabilities, an anti-metagene virus was spread as a last-ditch weapon … This metavirus has the opposite effects of the Gene Bomb, curbing and shutting down the metagene and stripping the metahumans of their powers for an unspecified amount of time.
This is also the reason behind their immigration and “diversity” agenda. Why do you think I’m so against it? They want to trick the remaining metahumans into breeding with apes so that the metagene can be destroyed. Polluting the blood of metahumans is their goal. We’re their “most dangerous enemy” so they are doing everything in their power to exterminate Us.
They’re brainwashing the zombies into believing that subhumans have superpowers. I typed “metahuman” in Google and this image showed up on the first page. They’re trying to erase Us by turning everything brown.
Another way they are doing this is via poisoning. If you are a metahuman then you need to stop taking all medications and eating food that is laced with chemicals, including decomposing flesh. They call it “meat” in order to brainwash you into believing it’s food. The original meaning of “meat” is “food” and rotting body parts are not food.
Vegan food is poison as well. If it was made in a factory then it is not food. Does real food have a barcode on it? Wake up! Their lame schemes are so easy to see through, for Me anyway. I used to eat Quorn Meat-Free Chicken Schnitzels and they fucked up My gastrointestinal tract and made Me start bleeding. Real food doesn’t tear up your insides and make you bleed.
Plant-based? If plants are the base then what else is added to it? Don’t trust what the label says because not every ingredient is listed on there. Do you eat “plant-based” flesh? How do you know that they’re not mixing real animal flesh in with the plants? I think they’ve been doing that all along. [1] Remember, their goal is to pollute Our blood and combining animal DNA with Your human DNA is one way to accomplish that.
As for all you subhuman mongrels, go ahead and get your boosters and continue eating whatever you want. You’re on death row anyway so you’re not important.
Metahumans, get on a detoxification program as soon as possible so you can give your body time to repair all the damage. Distance yourself from all the creatures disguised as humans because their main purpose is to contaminate and prevent you from waking up.
Further Reading:
5 Chemicals Lurking in Plant-Based Meats
Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Early Death, Mental Disorders
Related Links:
Timeline Jumping
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